Jean Faith Yoga
Yoga Instructor ~ Infants, Children and Adults
RYT 200 (Radiant Child Family Yoga)
Radiant Child Yoga 1-3
Theatre Teaching Artist, Choreographer
MFA in Theatre (Directing)
Bachelor of Music Education

What I Offer

Weekly Classes
Through Create Calm Inc, I teach many weekly yoga classes at preschools and elementary schools in Maryland, DC and Virginia.

Beaming Baby Yoga - Private Sessions for Parents
I love teaching parents how to do yoga with their 3-12 month old babies. Let’s work together to help your baby joyfully thrive.

Are you new to teaching children’s yoga? I would love to help you refine your lessons and practice becoming a calm (and fun!) children’s yoga teacher.

What is yoga?
Yoga is the union of mind, body and soul. The word means to join, or to unite. The practice is one of movement on the breath. We are bringing all aspects of ourselves together in one moment using the breath as a tool of calm and focus. ~ Mary Davis

Visit Jean’s Vlog
Parents and classroom teachers, this vlog is for you! Learn breathing exercises and teaching tips, and explore using children’s books for fun yoga sessions with your children.
Follow Jean
(215) 715-7639